I've asked from time to time, I've questioned the purpose of ceremony. Why does there have to be such hoopla over an event, or a commitment? The answer I have found is to help us remember.
I tend to have conversations with God a couple times a week - I wish it were a couple of times a day. However, a few weeks later I have often forgotten what I said, or how I might have newly committed myself to doing His will. A ceremony, a significant event, would be great as a reminder.
I am bound by the vows I made you. *
Psalm 56:2-7b, 9-14
Trust in God’s word
The LORD knows the plans of man; they are like a fleeting breath.i Psalm 94: 11
The thoughts of men are fleeting -
I'm convinced that we have ceremony for important matters (Baptism, Holy Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Ordinations - Sacraments) for else we would quickly forget what we say or do without creating what will hopefully be a great memory of a important decision, action, or commitment in our lives.