Simple Prayers

A friend's short post about a simple prayer inspired me to make a separate page for prayers. I hope she doesn't mind when she find's that prayer on this page too.

"O Holy Spirit, beloved of my soul, I adore You. Enlighten me, guide me, strengthen me, console me. Tell me what I should do; give me Your orders. I promise to submit myself to all that You desire of me and to accept all that You permit to happen to me. Let me only know Your Will."~Cardinal Mercier's Secret to Sanctity

"God, give me courage, peace, clarity, and strength; to know Your will, to hear Your voice, to feel Your love, and to share Your joy. May my soul seek you even when my mind does not, and may my heart return to You even when I am afraid. May You guide me to Your side and never let me go. Take me where You want me, even if I am lost. All I am is Yours. Don't let me stand in the way of Your plans for me. Thy will be done. Amen."

"Come Holy Spirit, come by the most powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well beloved spouse."

Lord let me use hardships to build newer levels of trust and intimacy with you.
Open my heart to seek you on your terms.
I do not ask you for happiness or sorrow,
Health or sickness,
Riches or poverty,
Freedom or slavery,
Goods or evils;
For goods are misfortunes if you do not come with them,
and misfortunes are goods if they arrive with you.
For goods without you, what good would they be?
And misfortunes with you, are they not the best goods?

I believe in you, Lord,
when I cast out my nets one and one hundred times,
and I draw them in wet, empty, almost broken.

I believe that you test your chosen ones,
because when the seed is sunk down into the earth
then it can better take root in God.
I want to abandon myself to you,
that you may place me near you,
as a seal on your heart.

I will love all my brothers, Lord.
The small ones, lowering myself to their abyss;
the clean of heart, becoming as they;
the naked, clothing them;
the sick, consoling them;
the imprisoned, visiting them,
my brothers of every tribe, language, and race,
spilling my sweetness as a gentle perfume
because kindness in love
is the strongest of all chains.

How to deal with desires:
In every circumstance,
this is how you should pray:
"Lord, if it be Your will, so let it be,
and if it be to Your honor,
let it be fulfilled in Your Name.
Lord, if this be for my good,
give me the grace to use it for Your honor;
but if You know that it will be harmful to me
and not profitable for the good of my soul,  
then take away from me such a desire."

On the teaching of Truth:
O my God, You are Truth;
unite me to Yourself in perfect love.
I am so weary of all I read and hear and see, for only in You
is all that I will or can desire.

Having an Interior Conversation with God:
If you have Christ, you are rich indeed,
for only He can fill all your needs...
How quickly people change and fail us;
but Christ abides forever (Jn 12:34)
and remains at our side to the end.

Receiving Christ Reverently in the Eucharist:
Wonderful and hidden is the grace bestowed by this Sacrament on the faithful of Christ, which unbelievers
and those who give their lives up to sin  can never experience!  For spiritual grace is conferred by this Sacrament, lost virtue is renewed in the soul, and the beauty destroyed by sin  returns again.

Resisting Temptation:
It is good that everything is not  always to our liking;  for adversity makes people look into their hearts in order to realize that they are exiles and must not put their hopes in any worldly things.

Purity of Mind:
You must first have peace
in your own soul
before you can make peace
between other people.

On Bearing with Others:
Learn how to be patient in enduring
the faults of others,
remembering that you yourself have many which others have to put up with.