Christmas break has provided each of us with opportunity for renewal whether physically, emotionally, socially, and certainly not least, spiritually. I really notice this when I have the chance to talk one-on-one with some of these amazing individuals. We are not afraid to be real with each other. We may go three to four months without seeing each other, but our connectedness does not hinder us from seeking truth and honoring one another.
At this point, I must note that blogging has, in a way, helped me to be more human, or in another term, vulnerable. I mentioned in my last blog not really being perfect, even though I sometimes pretend to be. I struggle much like the next person, just perhaps in a different way. Yet, also, because I am most often a peaceable person, you may not know that just from hanging around me from time to time. To let myself come through in my blog may show a side of me that some people have never experienced.
Coming back to my Saturday morning breakfast experience, my friend stated (a) that it was really good to know that I struggle with things, too, and (b) that my perspective is flawed, or that they disagreed. Let me explain point (b) as I think I have already addressed point (a). Society teaches us to pursue comfort, material and monetary items. To many people, money is everything. The education that my friend is getting, rather, teaches that we should seek truth, and in seeking truth we will eventually find happiness. In Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis states, "When we seek comfort we find nothing, but when we seek truth, it is there that we find comfort." (paraphrased from another friend). Replace the word comfort with anything, except for truth, and you will only find nothing. Instant gratification, maybe - but how long with that last? And at what cost does it come?
We are all called to find truth and apply reason to all that we do. Life is not just about getting good grades so we can get a good job, and maybe impact someone along the way. Life is NOT about selfishness, or what is right for you or right for me. (That's called relativism - we won't go there this time.) My dear friend shed some light upon my perspective, and that in itself has given me some renewal, amongst many other blessings this Christmas break.
I end with this: (NAB) John 8:32 "If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." In reflecting on how this verse applies not only to this blog, but to so many areas of my life, I am left in aww and inspired - aww-spiration. God is good.
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