Today, September 8th, as Catholics we celebrate the Nativity, the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary. What a wonderful celebration it is!
If I’m not mistaken, birthday tradition used to be that you did not receive gifts on your birthday, but rather you gave gifts. As an elementary student, my mom always sent cupcakes with me to school on my birthday to share with my classmates and teacher. They were scrumptious. In the more recent years, I cannot say that I have been so kind as to treat those around me on my birthday.
However, when I consider the gifts God has bestowed upon me through Mamma Mary both on her birthday and throughout the year, I am in aww of the mystery and awesomeness that is the gift of Mary as our mother.
This summer, I was blessed to find Following Jesus to Mary by Andrew Apostoli, CFR. In this book, this Franciscan provides much evidence to Our Lady as Mother, Teacher, and Advocate. In my experiences, I tagged on Example to this short list. Here is a brief anecdote for each.
You have probably heard, “a mother knows what is best for her children”. Mamma Mary knows we are in need of Christ. When we turn to Mary, she is already looking upon Jesus, and we in turn can only look upon Our Lord with her. Here is a quote from the book I found particularly fitting. “Her work as our Mother is to hand us to Jesus who will teach us the fullness of all we are called to be and to do.” It is very evident in my life that Mary has led me to Jesus time and time again, who is teaching me all that I am called to in life.

All good that is within us comes from God. Thus we grow in virtue and holiness by asking God for the grace to do so. And why not unite our prayers with those of Mary or any of the saints to ask for their intercession for receiving all the grace God can bestow upon us? And in this way, Mary is our advocate. What son can refuse his mother?
Mary, the Mother of God is a gift to us. She is our Mother, our Teacher, our Example, and our Advocate. As we celebrate her birthday today, we are reminded of the faith we are to have, and thus how we are to persevere, no matter the trials we face. I mostly am reminded today not to be faithful to God for my own sake (which is hard). Rather to be faithful to God for God’s sake and the sake of all those I interact with from day to day. The graces God gives me are not for me alone, but to be shared with all and building up the Kingdom of God.
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