I apologize for my absence on the blogging scene. Apparently, I don't have much to say. Unless, indeed I am ignoring the promptings of the Holy Spirit and not really doing what God is asking me to. We might all have a tendency to do that. How about a brief synopsis of the last month?
A) I survived my first semester as an agricultural educator!!! There were great times. There were not so great times. I mostly looked forward to the weekends (which is not the kind of teacher I want to be) to have more time to plan. Actually, God blessed me with numerous, almost bi-weekly, opportunities to see my brothers and sisters in Christ, or my immediate family. As a teacher, I learned a lot, mostly what not to do, and look forward to a year when I'm some-what prepared. That is, after I take a long enough break away from the classroom to be motivated to make some things happen. Come Holy Spirit.
B) My second brother got married! Welcome to the family Katie! It's been almost a month, but the simple, smaller wedding was met with rejoicing, prayers, dancing, and great food. As we gradually get older, and find our place in life, I look forward to growing my relationship with my siblings. Prayers as Katie continues her job search as a DVM (veterinarian). Come Holy Spirit.
D) Teens Encounter Christ! One of my favorites about this spiritual movement is that you can keep coming back to serve. The college retreats are incredible, but your involvement is limited beyond graduation. Don't get me wrong, prayers go a long way. There is something to be said and continuous involvement in a community that continues to grow in love with God. I was blessed to serve along side some incredible people. To say the Holy Spirit was present throughout Pentecost weekend is a big understatement. Praise God for the way we were all able to more deeply encounter Christ in our lives. May we continue to do so. Come Holy Spirit.
E) As humbling as it is to admit, for about the next week after TEC, all I really wanted to do was sleep. Several days in a row, I spent only a couple hours at school, taking the plaques off the walls in my classroom to prep it for painting in the coming weeks. The beautiful thing about summer is that I can make it to a few more daily masses. Thank you, Lord, for that blessing, which is about the only thing that get me up for a few days. I have yet to build up my faith community at the parish I have finally registered at. Come Holy Spirit.
F) Sincere gratitude for the wonderful people who know me, yet continue to allow me to be a part of their lives. Nerts, blockus, good company and conversations have been a blessed part of my summer. Come Holy Spirit.
G) WHEAT HARVEST! I was more involved with wheat harvest this summer than I can recall having ever been. Well, kind of. One summer, I worked at the elevator probing the trucks and running test weights. I spent almost a full week, less a trip back to Inman in the middle of those days, at home on the farm. My farm visits of late have been less than 24 hours long and I hadn't really contributed much. I was reminded of responsibility and work ethic as I gathered eggs, sorted and vaccinated pigs, fed the bottle calf, made supper, and drove wheat truck (about seven hours a day for three days!). Yup, dad actually let me drive this year. Come Holy Spirit.
F) Here I sit on a Friday evening after the long trek back from Brookfield, WI, rambling on about the happenings of the past month. God has a hand in it all. I'm not sure how "Come Holy Spirit" ties into each of these brief anecdotes about my summer happenings, but I trust He did or will continue to make the most of the relationships built and the people met or influenced. Mostly, I've been reminded that I had not posted in awhile and should really make that happen. Thank you for reading through my ramblings. Something deeper and more thought provoking to come in the future... Come Holy Spirit.
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