Welling up from deep inside. Hope given to humble souls. Promises to lead us home.
Whenever we say forgive, whenever we speak the words of Truth, You offer us the grace we need to follow after you.
You offer us the GRACE we need to follow after you.
As I sit down to type this evening, these are the words in my lips and the song in my head from a blessed evening. The rest of the day was a little less than desirable, but for that too, I praise God and thank Him. Let's get to it. What has gotten me to sing this song this evening?
I've returned from a trip to Walmart to gather a few items up for my classroom. One of these items including some fabric for a bulletin board. As I picked out my fabric, which was not hard to do, for the color I desired was right there shouting pick me, pick me, I noticed how busy the store was but how few associates were around. Seems as the college students are staking claim to their homes, and allowing Walmart to assist them. Regardless, there was no associate around to cut my fabric. After the fourth clank of the bell with the friendly sign reading, "Please ring for assistance," I opted to leave a post-it note with my desired amounts of fabric there while I traipsed across the store to find a specific item. I knew exactly where I needed to go, making it a quick trip to one end of the store, opposite from the items left on my list.
As I returned to the fabric area, I noticed there was indeed an associate taking care of my polite request (I did say please and signed it with "valued customer"). Janelle, and older woman, had obviously worked a long shift and had all but fried her brain from the day. She willingly admitted it was embarrassing to mess up and not remember measurements in front of a young person. I politely agreed, but prompted her it was humbling and good for her soul. She agreed that pride doesn't get you anywhere. The rest of our conversation touched on Thomas Merton (I know, so cool right?), and the fact that she had finished reading "Seven Story Mountain" (a book I would like to read). She summed the book up in saying "Merton got so ground down that all there was left to do was God's will," or something along those lines. Sporting one of my many Prayer and Action t-shirts, she read the front of it. "So, you're like a missionary." After a hesitant but joyful pause, I said, "You could say that." Other bits and pieces of our conversation included, "I wish I wasn't so stubborn," with my response of, "I hear my friends say that pretty often. In fact, I also find myself saying that same thing."
I never found out if she was Catholic before her supervisor walked up to release her of her duties (she'd already stayed twenty minutes past the end of her shift). I moved along, grabbed my last few more items, offered a prayer for Janelle, and headed back home.
In reflection, it seems so very apparent that, when I step out of the way, and let the Holy Spirit work, I am blessed to be His instrument. In particular when I feel as though I am at my worst. Before leaving school earlier this evening, I journaled (typed) some quick thoughts about my day and saved it to a document I hope to continue throughout the semester. I was grumpy, and I knew it. I have to let go of my summer solitude. Okay. I knew adoration would be helpful and would prepare me for the week ahead. Thank you, Lord for that.
Ultimately, what I am getting at in this post is something a priest told me in a recent confession of mine, in my admitting that I have not done enough to act on following God's will in my life. My mind has been willing, but my feet hadn't taken any steps yet. "Once you begin to start responding and acting on the promptings of God's grace, more grace will be given to you to accomplish the tasks He asks of you." Perhaps that is not verbatim, but a reward of grace is more grace. It is proving true for me. Hopefully it is proving true for you as well.
In Him, through Mamma Mary, aww-spiration.
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