From an e-mail I receive called Morning Tea...
"Test me, O Lord… examine my heart and my mind." (Psalm 26:2 NIV)
Are you going through a test? Tests demonstrate what you've learned. Until you're tested you really don't know what you know - and what you don't know. Tests are opportunities to prove your maturity and your potential.
So remember: (a) you'll experience tests at each stage of your growth; (b) your goal in each case should be to pass the test, otherwise you get to take it again and again until you get it right; (c) testing always precedes promotion. Actually, it prepares you for it and proves you're ready to handle it. If you cheat, or try to copy somebody else's answers you may temporarily seem to succeed. But eventually time and circumstances will reveal you for what you are - someone who can't handle what you manipulated your way into getting; (d) self-promotion can never replace divine promotion. So don't rush ahead of God; wait, allow Him to open the door; (e) a product cannot be safely and profitably used until it's been thoroughly tested. Neither can you.
God's not a hard-hearted parent who enjoys seeing His children struggle through life's tests. If He were to visit you in person He'd probably say:"I don't enjoy making you go through this, but it's the only way to prove you're ready for what's ahead. Before I can use you greatly - I must test you thoroughly." Generally God's tests are about your character. And like any good actor in a stage play that doesn't go according to the script, your job is to "stay in character!" Regardless of what anyone else does, follow God's script for your life.
So remember: (a) you'll experience tests at each stage of your growth; (b) your goal in each case should be to pass the test, otherwise you get to take it again and again until you get it right; (c) testing always precedes promotion. Actually, it prepares you for it and proves you're ready to handle it. If you cheat, or try to copy somebody else's answers you may temporarily seem to succeed. But eventually time and circumstances will reveal you for what you are - someone who can't handle what you manipulated your way into getting; (d) self-promotion can never replace divine promotion. So don't rush ahead of God; wait, allow Him to open the door; (e) a product cannot be safely and profitably used until it's been thoroughly tested. Neither can you.
God's not a hard-hearted parent who enjoys seeing His children struggle through life's tests. If He were to visit you in person He'd probably say:"I don't enjoy making you go through this, but it's the only way to prove you're ready for what's ahead. Before I can use you greatly - I must test you thoroughly." Generally God's tests are about your character. And like any good actor in a stage play that doesn't go according to the script, your job is to "stay in character!" Regardless of what anyone else does, follow God's script for your life.
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