During Holy Week, I picked up The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis. A high school friend of my had recently been raving about it when she saw I was toting around a copy.
In summary, the book distinguishes between heaven and hell. It takes the character through a series of encounters, basically angels trying to convince souls to let go of their attachments, to endure the pain of walking toward the hills, allowing their feet to harden and adjust. Some choose to return to their comfort in company, holding a grudge against God, or simply not recognizing that the environment around them is in deed heaven or at least the beginnings of heaven. Yes indeed, it is a great book. I believe it has been recommended by another one of my blogging friends who also share the excerpt about the Lizard on the man's should who the Angel offers to kill, with the permission of the man. If we will give God permission, if we surrender or ask for faith, understanding, and approach Him with rendered hearts, he will gladly comply.
Ultimately the meaning for my post is this. Will we recognize heaven when we stumble upon it? Or will we be so caught up in the here and now or the past to even acknowledge the beauty and reality in our midst. Can we become detached enough? Or rather, when will we become detached enough?
Easy read. I'm not the fastest of readers, but I took it all in within three hours. Continue to celebrate the Octave of Easter. Peace and joy in the Risen Christ!
I'm in the middle of The Four Loves right now...I have a few other books to get through first, but The Great Divorce will have to be added to the list of books to read!