Thursday, February 16, 2012

What's the Real Issue?

Here's a perspective to consider on the HHS mandate. This blurp comes from a weekly e-mail I receive entitled "A Higher Call"

Religious freedom is front page news this week. President Obama’s administration moved to implement the part of the national health care program that requires all employees to include free contraceptives in their employee’s health insurance. The faith community rose up against the mandate, citing the First Amendment right to the free exercise of religion. Although true, the free exercise argument falls flat if the battle is not taken to a deeper level—to the level of right and wrong, to moral and immoral . . . to good and evil. For nearly anything can be labeled as "religion" in today’s culture. "Honor killing" by Muslim men comes to mind. Sound crazy? A short tour overseas will find places where crazy is the accepted norm.

Christians should not be afraid to call evil evil and good good. How do people know what is good and what is bad? The beginning is usually a good place to start a journey! A look at The Ten Commandants is the beginning.