These are the words that came out of my mouth, out loud, in Hastings last night. I was perusing through town grabbing a few items, some for school, some for myself, and decided it would be alright to go ahead a get the second season of Gilmore Girls - not the most moral, but many good related life lessons happening. Gilmore Girls first aired in 2001, and I enjoyed watching it from time to time throughout high school. It aired on the WB, and if I'm not mistaken, on Tuesday nights, which was often a sports night.

Last night, no one was around me, and I don't know if any one heard me, but I was telling God that He is funny, because, of course, there was no second season to be found on the shelf. You see, I purchased season one on January 24 and was finished watching all 12 or so episodes by February 4. That might have been a tright excessive. For someone who has watched little to no tv in the last 12 months, I may have felt a bit deprived. I've considered not watching any more episodes until after Lent, but have also considered getting season two watched before lent begins. So our dear Heavenly Father, knowing my lack of discipline and self-control in relation to Gilmore Girls, has kept season two out of my reach at this point in time. Perhaps if I had it, I would not be blogging right now or anticipating spending most of my Saturday at school, tomorrow. With FFA week quickly approaching, there is much to be accomplished and prepped in addition to the typical teacher planning. Thus, God is helping me to practice prudence. Isn't he funny?
I'm glad I'm not the only one who tells Him that sometimes. Then, oh so gently, I am reminded that I indeed made in His image, and therefore also funny. God is awesome. Prayers for your busy week!