Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Solitude Seperate From Prayer

I am an introvert. I gain energy by spending time by myself and often will choose alone time over time spent with a group of people or in a crowd. In the last several weeks, I sense that I have been over stimulated by spending too much time with people (not a bad thing, but draining to me) which has hindered my peace and joy. One weekend I participated in TEC Congress. The next weekend my parents and my sister hosted a dozen people at their two houses in northern Marion county for a wedding both Friday and Saturday nights. This past weekend I attended the Midwest Catholic Family Conference.  All beautiful occasions. All include a lot of people.  All provided little opportunity for solitude. And the weekdays in between were not lackadaisical.

In these past few weeks, busy as they have been, I have sought prayer and have found prayer difficult, especially adoration. It was not until during and after the family conference I realized my need for solitude outside of prayer. I like to be left alone with my thoughts, to process them internally. Having done little of that in the past few weeks, I was drained, irritable, distancing myself from people and struggling spiritually. Fortunately, grace has helped me to become aware of my current state and need for a greater balance of solitude and community, and letting prayer be a part of both. 

Pray for me. Christ's peace.