Sunday, December 19, 2010

We're Not Alone in This Fight

I was really hoping not to interrupt my "O Antiphon" posts, but I think this occasion calls for some Holy Spirit guided blogging.

Having just moved to a new home, hopefully permanent home for the next few years, I'm getting settled, but I'm also spending a lot of time by myself. This is the biggest place I've lived, with the fewest amount of people - just me. (Hopefully another blog with pictures coming soon...) I don't exactly have a lot of stuff to fill the place, so it feels pretty empty. The issue here is that I've been being convinced that I need more stuff to fill the place, even though I have no means of financing such a project. The worrisome attitude that has come with such thoughts occupied my mind for several days this week, despite spending some time in the classroom, meeting with my superintendent and principal. 

One thing I've realized is that I probably should not spend quite so much time by myself, for even though I don't know many people here yet, I'm excited to begin teaching. Second, that I don't have to fight the temptations of the world and/or flesh by myself. In a simple text to a friend, who spared a few words of prayer, I was quickly feeling more at home and less concerned about what I have or don't have to fill my space.  This is not the only occasion where technology (texting or facebook) has come in handy for calling on my brothers and sisters in Christ to help carry the burden that is our daily struggles. Even this evening, a framily member has asked to be kept in our prayers. Always, was my response. For it is through our relationships and prayer that we build each other up, allowing God to do more good work within and through us. 

Another awesome realization of the past day or two is the idea of Hope - and allowing ourselves to hope in the plans God has for us. Yes, we have many challenges to face in life, but what a small cost in comparison to the good work that God is doing in our lives, when we let him. Dare to dream big with God, and let him blow your dreams away with even better and bigger plans. (listen to Fr. Robert Barron's sermon for more details). Aww-spiration!

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