Sunday, January 9, 2011

Trust You

Tonight I was hoping to spend a little more time with some of my college friends before they all head their separate ways and I begin my second week of being "a real human being" (as one of my friends has termed it). The snow accumulating outside has given us all an opportunity to stay inside and spend time with family (if you still live with family).

After returning from a trip to adoration, I'm blessed to spend my evening playing a list of songs relevant to my summer experiences while doing a little baking and mentally preparing myself for the coming week. One of the songs, "Trust You" by Brandon Heath caused me to think a little deeper... "You took your life and gave me yours... there is no reason why I shouldn't trust you with mine..."
As I am beginning this new chapter of my life, I find myself curious, excited, and nervous about the coming days, months, and years. Between the considerations of big purchases, ideas for getting involved in a local parish to help out with youth, and personal goals, I know I must trust God with my life. I knew this before, but tonight it sunk in deeper. When I try to take the lead, life tends to be a bit overwhelming. Not only that, but I often beat myself up when I do not measure up to my own expectations. But that's just it. When I follow myself as the leader, I falter. When I follow Christ, and trust Him with my life, He leads me where he wants me to be, now and in the years to come.

A prayer from one of my weekend events reminds me to love myself, but more importantly to love and trust God with my life. 
"When we love ourselves, we entrust ourselves to our self, to protect and nurture all that is true and good in us. When we love another person, we allow this person to have a certain power over our lives while still holding the responsibility to protect and nurture ourselves. In loving God, we allow God to nurture and protect us, especially, our spirit life."

I trust God will give me the opportunity to spend time with friends and family when I need it. I trust God will prompt me with His grace daily to perform the tasks required of my state of life. I trust God that his angels and saints are watching over and praying for all of us. I trust Him with my life.

St. Joseph, pray for us.
St. Therese of Lisieux, pray for us. 

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